Sunday, February 18, 2007

kitten's collar

Here is a picture of my collar. When Domina clicks the padlock shut on it my lil dick swells up every time, whether in my chastity cage or not.

It amazes me how much that surrendering myself, in all, to another, has set me free.


Anonymous said...

My Devoted kitten,

Oh how proud I am to have you as my kitten!
You have done a great job here with your little corner.

Its been wonderful being your wife and since your "re-birth" as we like to call it, I have never seen you happier or more fullfilled.

I hope this corner gives you a place to express your feelings, be it good or bad.

Love from
Your Domina

kitten said...

Thank you my beautiful Domina,

It is my pleasure and honour to have you as my keepr , my owner, my Domina.

This place will be happy thoughts.